Dawn D. Boyer's Podcast



Dawn D. Boyer, Ph.D. has been in human resources and government contracting, as well as owned or partnered with business entrepreneurs for 13+ years. Listen as she guides and shares smart advice on job searches, business, and social media management.


  • How to Handle Employment Gaps on Your Resume

    16/04/2014 Duration: 06min

    Best practice is to write simple, concise data and highlight job skills learned during those gaps in the resume. Note newly learned skills, relevant experience, achieved knowledge, enhanced training capabilities, and what was accomplished during the learning ‘gap’ to enhance your candidate desire-ability to future employers. Dawn Boyer, Ph.D., is the owner of D. Boyer Consulting – providing resume writing, social media management, business development, and human resources consulting. Reach her at: Dawn.Boyer@DBoyerConsulting.com or http://dboyerconsulting.com.

  • Obtaining More Education & Training for Resume Bullets

    04/11/2013 Duration: 06min

    Don’t let any circumstance prevent you from obtaining new education or training, and ensure that you learn something new weekly, monthly, or annually that is directly applicable to your life-long learning and your career track. Money or time should not be a barrier to your adding these valuable bullets to your resume. Listen for tips on how to find 'free' training and education opportunities so you can increase your job search / resume value. Dawn Boyer, Ph.D., is the owner of D. Boyer Consulting – providing resume writing, social media management, business development, and human resources consulting. Reach her at: Dawn.Boyer@DBoyerConsulting.com or http://dboyerconsulting.com.

  • Using your network to find a job.

    26/10/2013 Duration: 06min

    The type of job you are seeking will pretty much determine the type of actions and where you can find the best resources for your career search. Applying directly to the online recruiting resources for local companies or requesting a paper application from a small company without the Internet recruiting software is best for clerical, retail, food services, and light manufacturing positions. But if you are striving towards management, or have reached an executive level, the jobs you may want to strive for may not be posted (yet). Dawn Boyer, Ph.D., is the owner of D. Boyer Consulting – providing resume writing, social media management, business development, and human resources consulting. Reach her at: Dawn.Boyer@DBoyerConsulting.com or http://dboyerconsulting.com.

  • Avoiding Internet or Email Job Search Scams

    23/10/2013 Duration: 07min

    Craig’s list may be a reliable source for jobs for about 5% of the folks using it, but it’s a magnet for con artists internationally. Valid recruiters and headhunters will provide their telephone numbers, email addresses, and contact information and will not make promises up front. Their reputation is on the line, and they need to vet and interview all candidates in the real world. Venture forward and double-check those jobs for legitimacy before you hand over your personal employment information. Read between the lines and stick to reliable and valid job boards and resume databases. Dawn Boyer, Ph.D., is the owner of D. Boyer Consulting – providing resume writing, social media management, business development, and human resources consulting. Reach her at: Dawn.Boyer@DBoyerConsulting.com or http://dboyerconsulting.com.

  • Are Your 'Ums' and 'Ahs' and 'Ands' Killing Your Job Interviews?

    14/10/2013 Duration: 05min

    Sometimes job seekers are not aware of crippling speech habits that prevent them from sounding smart or capable. Here's how to identify them and cure them. Dawn Boyer, Ph.D., is the owner of D. Boyer Consulting – providing resume writing, social media management, business development, and human resources consulting. Reach her at: Dawn.Boyer@DBoyerConsulting.com or http://dboyerconsulting.com.

  • Before you lose your job: Tactics to review before the change.

    10/08/2013 Duration: 05min

    Hearing whispers in the office corridors about layoffs or future terminations strikes terror and instills worry in everyone – especially in the current economic crisis. If the job is in jeopardy, start taking steps to ensure readiness for that final HR call. Dawn Boyer, Ph.D., is the owner of D. Boyer Consulting – providing resume writing, social media management, business development, and human resources consulting. Reach her at: Dawn.Boyer@DBoyerConsulting.com or http://dboyerconsulting.com.

  • The Differences Between a Resume, Bio, and Curricula Vitae

    26/07/2013 Duration: 05min

    Job seekers are somewhat confused with the semantics of what a resume is versus a short biography versus the curriculum vitae. Each has their strengths and weaknesses, depending upon the end goal or objective of the owner. Let’s examine the definitions and the differences. This Podcast has been brought to you from D. Boyer Consulting. You may view services at the business website located at www.DBoyerConsulting.com.

  • Using Quotes to Create Website Content

    09/07/2013 Duration: 04min

    How many emails or phone calls or webinar invites have you – the small business owner – received weekly about creating website content, content marketing, or blog content to entice and intrigue new customers into your email marketing database? I’m willing to bet it is at least one daily, possibly dozens. Are you one of those folks who look at a blank screen and think, ‘What the heck should I write about today? I don’t know what to write about or how to write it!’ An easy way to get past the ‘writer’s block’ is to use quotes. Everyone loves quotes and essentially they are pre-written micro-blogs for the busy businessperson. They are the handy-dandy, ‘someone else already thought of this viewpoint,’ and they are famous (or infamous enough) for an audience to recognize the name, and entice them to read more. Quotes are reusable, which makes them so valuable to those who like to read them.

  • LinkedIn Mistakes by New Users

    02/07/2013 Duration: 05min

    LinkedIn is now becoming the norm for job seekers to post profiles as well as recruiters looking for and using the ‘inexpensive’ platform as a sourcing tool. Recruiters are just as discriminatory on what they see on profiles, as they would be in reviewing resumes. Those using LinkedIn for the first time can be in a rush, make minor or major mistakes, and don’t realize they have set themselves up for failure. Here are a few mistakes that can be easily corrected and will assist job seekers in getting the attention more easily from headhunters.

  • Business Owner Resumes for Increased ROI

    29/06/2013 Duration: 05min

    A critical ROI for business owners: Well-written resumes versus bios. Entrepreneurs should realize one of the most critical pieces of advertising is showcasing the knowledge, skills, and experience of the most important person (or people) at the helm of the company. Whether it is the CEO who guides and directs a large company’s strategic goals or the owner of a small father and son business, it is important to demonstrate the intrinsic value for the client to shop with that company. The value of a well-written resume exemplifies the business has the expertise to perform the service or provide a quality product.